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Relationship Intensives


Couples Intensive session

Couples Intensive session is an immersive, personalized, and targeted approach to working through your relationship issues and getting you to achieve your desired changes faster than regular weekly sessions.

Intensive sessions can help you to turn toward each other again and see each other with fresh eyes. We work together to understand the most pressing concerns, your goals and preferred ways of relating.


Intensive sessions can help you to reconnect quickly and effectively.  It may be a good choice for couples who are: 

  • Deciding whether to stay in their relationship or leave (also see discernment counselling)

  • Experiencing significant turmoil and emotional pain due to a relationship trust rupture like an affair

  • Experiencing major disconnect – for example, they’ve stopped talking to each other

  • Strongly motivated to make fast changes

  • Experiencing other pressing issues that are causing significant stress

What are the benefits?

  • Intensives allow us to complete the assessment and move straight into targeted, change interventions and strategies.

  • Intensives can condense and fast-track your counselling and is cost and time effective.

  • There is no time spent starting and closing the sessions, which offers more time for actual work.

  • Gaining momentum is one of the hardest parts of any change. Intensive session can provide you with the energy to start your change effectively and sustain it.

  • Experiencing rapid change and quickly seeing glimpses of the potential of your relationship gives hope. It helps sustain your motivation and willingness to work on your relationship.


Is the intensive format right for us?


This approach could be a good fit for you if you are experiencing relationship ambivalence, are on the brink of divorce, or would like to gain clarity and figure it out your next steps quickly.


Intensives are not a good fit if either of you experiences significant mental health issues (including active trauma), substance problems, or a current (disclosed or undisclosed) affair.


It is essential, that both you and your partner, are willing to engage in this intensive process of self-discovery, learning, and growth.

Isn’t the process overwhelming or just too much?


Intensive work can motivate, energize, and create the momentum you need to kick-start an effective change process. As in any counselling session, there will likely be tough moments and challenging learnings to process and integrate.


Your pace and capacity guide me. We will create space to slow down and optimize our brain functioning. We will also take refreshing breaks for morning tea and lunch, offering sufficient time to relax, move, and recharge your batteries.

What if we need more counselling?


Following the intensive session, you will likely want to implement changes and new learnings. Making the changes stick takes practice and follow-up counselling can help you to stay on the right track. Further counselling can support the emerging changes and help solidify your new relational self.

To secure a booking for the Intensive session one-half non-refundable deposit is required. 72hour cancellation or reschedule notice is required to avoid being charged the half fee. 

Book a free 20minute Consultation now!

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