Break up / Separation Counselling

Navigation & Recovery
If your relationship has come to its end, you may feel like you are falling apart. Break up or divorce marks the end of a journey that started with a belief in love and the pursuit of a joyful lifetime together. Divorce/ separation is one of the most stressful events we can experience in life. Your heart may be heavy with the unspeakable grief of lost love and shattered dreams; you may be feeling despair.
Break ups are also a critical crossroads. We are called to restoring our wholeness, reinventing ourselves in a personal capacity and rebuilding our new life. In the despair lies the opportunity to cultivate greater and deeper capacity lo love and to be loved.

Counselling can help you with:
Strategies for calming your overwhelmed brain, that will allow you to cope better
Dealing with day-to-day life after separation and re-gaining a sense of control
Getting closure on your relationship for you individually or together with your ex-partner
Speeding up your broken heart recovery by identifying effective and ineffective steps and actions to help you to move on and thrive
Making sense of your loss and crafting your personal journey of grieving and healing
Identifying your current supports and re-building your life in small steps
Reclaiming yourself, recovering your self-confidence, and expanding resilience
Harvesting useful learnings from your ended relationship to support your personal growth
Showing up more self-aware, wholehearted and skilled in your future relationships
Navigating the relationship with your ex-partner to your best benefit, based on your circumstances
Co-parenting through separation and beyond
The dissolving of a marriage has a huge emotional impact on all members of the family. Children, being the most vulnerable, are solely dependent on your guidance and protection from the negative consequences of divorce. Counselling can support you in creating a road map to protect and nurture your children, while rebuilding your life and promoting your emotional healing.
Together we can:
Make your children primary focus
Clarify how to talk to children about separation
Create a child-focused parenting plan
Help children transition to new living conditions
Pave the way for better post-separation communication
Transform your co-parenting relationship to one of respect, generosity and goodwill
Acquire new skills and capacities so you can co-parent effectively with maximum benefit for your children